The basic structure of hugo project folder is:
… generate content here (blog posts, papers, …)
… do not touch, gets generated automatically, upload this to web
… other content (images, other sources)
… do not touch once finished
… well, this is config
hugo-finite theme
Changing templates
Hugo builds static webpages using modular system of templates called partials. To alter and tweak the theme I have changed some of the theme partials, e.g.:
- aside note for posts, defined in
- “footer” part of main page (place with portrait and personal info) in
- To alter buttons/links below each paper alter
yaml parameter in paper *.md andthemes/hugo-finite/layouts/partials/pub-links.html
e.g. I added{{ with $.Params.url_doi }}<a class="button pub-link hollow" href="{{ . | absURL }}">doi</a>{{ end }}
line intopub-links.html
Changing colors
To change colors of the theme the color hex codes need to be changed in *.css files. As it is difficult to find them all manually I used bash find
command. However being lazy to launch terminal and find were the correct directory is I run the command directly from R project.
So to replace all instances of a string (hex color code) recursively in all files in a directory I run:
## change #101730 to #FF4500 in all files in themes/hugo-finite-kf with bash find:
# find themes/hugo-finite-kf/ -type f -exec sed -i 's/#101730/#FF4500/g' {} \;
# \ needs to be escaped in system() so:
system("find themes/hugo-finite-kf/ -type f -exec sed -i 's/#101730/#FF4500/g' {} \\;")
These are all the changed colors:
Changing CSS style sheets
There is a multitude of css styles definitions spread over several *.css files and it is difficult to find where are which styles defined. For example buttons and their hovers are in foundation.css
, but most things are (probably) in finite.css
. I have included karel.css
(inspired by Rob’s robjhyndman.css) in theme static/css
folder. It gets loaded in /layouts/_default/baseof.html
after finite.css
so its styles overide the ones in finite.css
. This gives me a chance to tweak things without altering the original finite.css
Fixing ugly post summaries
The short version of posts from Rmarkdown contains raw html. (Even on Marcus site :-) ). I have tried to include <!–more–> in the text, but that did not help.
So based on some advices ( 1, 2, 3 ) I have changed the hugo-finite/layouts/partials/post-summary.html
and now it is:
<h2><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a></h2>
{{ partial "post-metadata" . }}
{{ if .Truncated }}
{{ if .Description }}
{{ .Description }}
{{ else }}
{{ .Content | markdownify | truncate 350 }}
{{ end }}
<p class="text-right"><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">Read More…</a></p>
{{ else }}
{{ .Content | markdownify }}
{{ end }}
Now if the post have description field in its yaml front matter, than just that description forms the summary of the post, otherwise first 350 characters of markdownified content do.
- add
draft: TRUE
to YAML front matter to make it just draft.
Adding discussions with Disqus
To add the comments option below each blog posts I am using Disqus.
First I have signed up and created new site on Disqus. The name of the site (bioinformin
) is also its shortname. Then I added Rob’s disqus.html
template into layouts (/layouts/partials/disqus.html
). Then I modified /layouts/post/single.html
adding <span style='font-family: Carlito'> {{ partial "disqus.html" . }} </span>
to where I want the comments to appear on the page. And finaly I added the Disqus shortname into config.yaml
as DisqusShortname: "bioinformin"
I will not use Netlify (suggested by Yuhui from blogdown) as it is better for use with their domains or self-hosted domains. I am using webhosting service with ftp as a means to uplod files. However I am still wondering how to upload files automatically via ftp.
Perhaps something along the lines of getting only new files:
ff <- list.files("public/post", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
last_commit <- as.POSIXct("2017-06-15")
ff_new <- ff[difftime($mtime, last_commit) > 0] # files newer than last commit
And then ftp?
ftpUpload("Localfile.html", "ftp://User:Password@FTPServer/Destination.html")
## or system()
# something like:
# scp -rp sourceDirName username@server:destDirName
TODO: Use Bitbucket pipelines. See e.g.
Pushing repo to over ftp
image: samueldebruyn/debian-git pipelines: default: - step: script: - apt-get update - apt-get -qq install git-ftp - git ftp init –user $FTP_USERNAME –passwd $FTP_PASSWORD
Also need to set the environment variables FTP_USERNAME
in settings -> environment variables.
I will have to add Bitbucket IP adress to IP whitelist. Administration –> Services –> FTP –> Allowed IP addresses/Pool.
To get Bitbucket IP I run curl -s
as part of bitbucket-pipelines.yml
curl -T my-local-file.txt –user user:secret
wput public/
- apt-get -qq install ncftp
ncftpput -R -v -u $FTP_USERNAME -p $FTP_PASSWORD /www/karel /public
- apt-get -qq install lftp
lftp -u \(FTP_USERNAME,\)FTP_PASSWORD -e “mirror –only-newer –verbose –target-directory=/www/karel public /www/karel”
Blogdown has the ingenious RStudio addins. To enhance their help it is advantegous to have specific global R options set. This would be normaly done in an .Rprofile
. However as I do not want it in my main .Rprofile
and I can not use two .Rprofile
s I need to set them manually, e.g.:
options(servr.daemon = TRUE, = "Karel Fišer", blogdown.rmd = TRUE)
Any better way to do that?