Recent Posts
The story of this site design
I like Rmarkdown and so when I came across Yihui’s blogdown it got me interested. Starting with bookdown about blogdown I installed all what was needed and started looking for hugo theme, which would suit me. I ended up with Rob J Hyndman’s page, but he himself was inspired by others. This is how I imagine the story …
How to generate bibiliography for hugo
I use modified hugo-finite theme for this website. The theme supports listing of published articles. Each of such articles or papers is represented by a markdown file (*.md) holding all the citation information. The citation information inside markdown files has to be in YAML (or TOML) format. It is all present in the front matter of the files. …
Recent Publications
Interactive Dendrograms: The R Packages idendro and idendr0.
Journal of Statistical Software, 76(10).
Abstract doi: -
Distinct bilineal leukemia immunophenotypes are not genetically determined.
Blood, 128(18):2263-2266.
Abstract doi: -
Mantle cell lymphoma-variant Richter syndrome: Detailed molecular-cytogenetic and backtracking analysis reveals slow evolution of a pre-MCL clone in parallel with CLL over several years.
International Journal of Cancer, 139(10):2252-2260.
Abstract doi: -
Wilms tumor gene 1 (WT1), TP53, RAS/BRAF and KIT aberrations in testicular germ cell tumors.
Cancer Letters, 376(2):367-376.
Abstract doi: -
High-resolution Antibody Array Analysis of Childhood Acute Leukemia Cells.
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 15(4):1246-1261.
Abstract doi: